The #1 Thing You Can Easily Do to Increase Happiness and Improve Relationships

Six years ago…

My girlfriend Amber had an idea. She proposed that we email a daily gratitude list to each other to help keep in touch and to try to stay more positive. I was on board, and two other friends were as well.

Since then, creating and emailing out a gratitude list has remained a daily activity that I enjoy doing. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that

I began to invite others to do it as well, and today, I send my list to 16 people who regularly send me their lists in return.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is an emotional state that allows us to put our attention on what we have, rather than focusing on what we want.

Often times our minds drift to the wishlist: I wish I didn’t have to work so much; I wish I could afford a new car; I wish someone else would do the dishes. This line of thinking distracts us from being fully aware of how good we have it now because we are so wrapped up in what we want next. In that way, being in gratitude means you are fully present and aware of the good things, big and small, in your life today.

What the research says…

Several studies have supported the experiences my friends and I have had: gratitude is good for our well-being and even our health.

In fact, one study surveyed 186 heart failure patients at the University of California San Diego Medical Center to see gratitude’s impact on their health. Heart failure patients who had more gratitude had better sleep, were less depressed, had less fatigue and lower levels of inflammation, and were more likely to take care of their cardiac function as compared to patients with lower levels of gratitude.

Another study explained why emailing our lists to each other proved more effective than simply thinking grateful thoughts in our heads. Specifically, the study found that gratitude increases life satisfaction and self-esteem but only when social support is present. So, by building relationships with people through my daily gratitude list, I have developed a close-knit group of friends that I can go to if I need support, and I am definitely happier because of it!

Starting a gratitude list chain

Since starting my list, I have definitely become a more positive person. It doesn’t mean I am happy 24/7, or that I don’t get annoyed when things don’t go as I want them to, but I bounce back quicker today than I ever did before. I have developed new relationships and improved old ones by sharing positive snippets of my daily life. And I know it has benefited my marriage by keeping me focused on the things Scott does, rather than what he doesn’t do. So overall, I am grateful that spending as little as 5 minutes a day writing a five line email has had such positive results on my health, well-being, and relationships!

Below are three steps to start a gratitude list chain of your own:

1. Invite 2 to 3 people to swap lists with

Consider family or friends you are close with, invite an acquaintance you would like to get to know better, or anyone you wish you had more time to connect with.

Tip: You can start a group where everyone sends their list to each other, or send it out to individuals separately to keep their information private.

2. Set a time and place to do your list daily

This will help you form a daily habit. I like to do my list in the morning at my computer and reflect on the previous day, but some do theirs on their lunch break, or they type it on their phone just before going to sleep.

3. Try to think of 5 new and unique things to be grateful for each day. No repeats!

While this may seem challenging at first, you will begin to not just be grateful for the big things (your family, job, home, etc.) but the little things too (a beautiful flower, the polite driver who let you into their lane, the funny Facebook post that made you laugh, etc.).

And that’s it! Simple right? So here is your homework:

– Send this article to the 2 to 3 people inviting them to join your gratitude email list.

– Post in the comments below the names of the people you are inviting, as well as the 5 things you are grateful for today!



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